A wonderful Free event originally blogged on Mirth and Motivation.{{{Hugs}}}to world peace.

Mirth and Motivation

“If we continuously maintain self awareness, we will be able to experience peace and happiness.” Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

FOCUS: PEACEPeacelights and We, The World are partnering to offer a series of Free daily tele-seminar phone calls from December 7 to December 21 at Noon Eastern Standard Time. Every day we will gather virtually for 20 minutes to meditate together and be the peace we wish to see in the world. Calls will start with a 10 minute teaching, followed by a 5 minute meditation on peace, and prayers for peace on our planet. Read the rest for more information and to register. There is something important happening during the days ahead, something where your participation is required. You have the power and opportunity to make a significant difference in your environment.

JOIN US FOR FOCUS: PEACE –  A series of inspiring daily tele-seminar style calls starting Friday…

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6 comments on “

  1. diannegray says:

    I was just reading all about this, Kozo. Well done for re-blogging! 😉

  2. Professions for PEACE says:

    Wonderful reblog!! Thank you so much for sharing about this 🙂

    • Kozo says:

      No problems, Gina. I just listened to my first meditation phone call this morning. It was golden. Really a great way to start the day off on the West Coast.

  3. eof737 says:

    TY for the re-blog Kozo! I must be in daze as I keep thinking I responded to others posts and I haven’t. 😦
    Yes, I have been enjoying the meditations and talks too… what a blessing! 🙂

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