The Meaning of [My] Life

The Universe has been conspiring lately to help me realize what the meaning of my life is. It started a few months ago when I posted a Beautiful Blogger Quotation from Broadblogs.

Hurt people hurt peopleI followed this post with a corollary I came up with.

healed people

After starting Bloggers for Peace and counseling clients at, I realized that I am a healer. The more I heal myself, the more I am able to heal others. Blogging helps me heal myself, so I can heal others. In addition, when others heal, they become healers–they stop hurting in both senses of the word. Thus, ripples of healing extend out in ways we can’t even imagine.

Then, the amazing Rarasaur commented on my post “How to Win An Argument” with some career guidance:

direction and love image

So I’ve set my direction as a healer who has healed himself with love. I believe in my heart of hearts that this is what I was put here to do.

Have you discovered what you were put here to do? How does blogging help you in your life? Please share.

37 comments on “The Meaning of [My] Life

  1. smilecalm says:

    wonderful medicine!
    i’m feeling better already
    just reading your aspiration 🙂

  2. I share my knowledge about personal development at my blog in several ways. And yes, by healing ourselves we become much better to heal others too.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. yaussiechick says:

    I think the reason I was put here on earth is to be with my husband and also help others on their own journey of discovery. I love to share and find blogging is a great way to share the love and well as the {{{{{HUGS}}}} Great job as perusual Kozo!

  4. diannegray says:

    Such beautiful words Kozo and Rara – and a load of inspiration! 😀


  5. utesmile says:

    Great inspiration Kozo. Blogging helps me to spread love and positiveness further than I ever imagined. ♥ Love is the best healer!

    • Kozo Hattori says:

      Yes, Ute, love is the best healer. I love all the positiveness you spread. I still think about those photos you took on that building that is horizontal. I agree that our messages spread further than we ever imagined. Such a wonderful time to be a healer and lover. {{{Hugs}} Kozo

  6. I think I have discovered what I am here to do (write my story so others may heal), but that said I think it’s difficult to sum up a life’s purpose in one sentence (as one would create a vision statement for a corporation or a government agency). Life is a tapestry of small and large purposes, mistakes that lead to direction, successes that lead to more failures (challenges!), leading to more successes.

    So, while I tip-toe my way into my memoirs, one memory at a time, I also continue to enjoy my job (which has purpose of its own), and my family (creating our little haven of love and peace), my friends (spreading the love far and wide), and my blog (carving out the space and time for healing and higher purpose).


    • Kozo Hattori says:

      Love the tapestry image, WV. Yes, I have found that mistakes are my greatest teachers. I’m so happy that you seem to live life wholeheartedly. I love your description of your blog–“carving out the space and time for healing and higher purpose.” Makes me wonder why the whole world doesn’t blog. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  7. yogaleigh says:

    Came to the same conclusion not long ago — that my long healing journey is what I came here to do– and to teach about, one way or another.

  8. KM Huber says:

    Blogging has helped me realize I am not a writer of fiction, something to which I aspired for decades, at least as a hobby/second job. That said, writing was never center stage until I began blogging three years ago. The more I blogged the more I realized I loved reading fiction but I write non-fiction. So, that is what I do, and it feels complete. Wonderful post, Kozo.

  9. Blogging has helped indeed, yet I’m still looking to find my way somehow. Awesome quotes Kozo 🙂

  10. lumar1298 says:

    I think I’m suppose to spread the love… Open our hearts and let it flow… Blogging has helped me connect and kind sweet words help us all…

  11. In the Stillness of Willow Hill says:

    I love how the universe magnifies every bit of healing light we receive.

  12. Cathy G says:

    Such a lovely post. I know that I was meant to love my husband and my daughter. I am also aware that my own healing will help others in their own journeys. I am very blest. Thank-you…be well, Kozo..

    • Kozo Hattori says:

      Yes, Cathy. You have lots of direction and love in your life. I honor the healing you do everyday. You look healed in so many ways. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

      • Cathy G says:

        What an incredible comment! Yes, Kozo, I’ve experienced a tremendous amount of healing in recent times. This is more than physical. ..and it still continues…I am very blest! Thank – you my friend!

  13. BroadBlogs says:

    So glad I could be an inspiration!

    And so glad to be able to learn from you. I think that “healed people heal people” Is so true, having experienced that in my own life.

  14. Indira says:

    Nice quotes and true also. You give what you get, there may be exceptions but mostly it is correct.

  15. I have tried to figure out what I was put here to do since, the day I was given a second chance at life but…I still don’t know. It weighs on me a lot. I have recently joined toastmasters and I’m thinking giving speeches which are revised blogs I have written is enriching my soul in a way I can not yet explain…the meetings bring me joy.

  16. 1EarthUnited says:

    Wise gurus, everywhere♥♥♥

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