A Letter to My BBFs (Blogging Best Friends)

Kozo Hattori BowDear Blogging Best Friends,

I don’t know much about you. For all I know you might have voted the exact opposite I did in November, or you might have been rooting for the American athletes to fail in the London Olympics.

You also don’t know me. For example, many of my blogging best friends are women who don’t know that being a Japanese American male, I am Patriarchy’s uber child. I have not always treated women the way they deserve to be treated. If you talked to my ex-girlfriends and even my wife, they would tell you that, at best, I am a work in progress. Although my life’s work centers around peace, I have not always been a peaceful person in thoughts, words, or actions.

The one thing I do know from being your blogging best friend is who we want to be, who we strive to be. I know what is in our souls trying to get out, even if our consciousness is not in accord with that spirit.

Blogging allows us to create a self, community, and world we have always dreamed of. It allows us to learn from our mistakes and grow. To communicate on a daily basis and empathize with each other which leads to understanding, love, and, eventually, peace.

What I am trying to say is I appreciate you being my friends, sharing my vision, and opening your hearts to let us connect in a way we were always meant to connect, in a way that I have found hard to connect with others in my “real” life. Our connection changes how I interact with the world and what the world becomes.

What I’m really saying is that I love you guys even though we’ve never met.

Your BFF, Kozo

I hope you don’t mind
I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you’re in the world

Your Song by Elton John

Thank you for reading, sharing, and/or smiling.

Are the connections you have made through blogging unique? In what ways? Please share.

90 comments on “A Letter to My BBFs (Blogging Best Friends)

  1. merbear74 says:

    This made my day, Kozo. Thank you.

  2. C. R. says:

    I have been “on-line” in social media communities for many many years. I have built both emotional as well as strategic relationships, many of which have stood the test of time AND “real life”. I wish that I could say all of my interactions have been beautiful and peaceful, but that sadly is not the case. I can say that MOST of my interaction Bloggin her on WordPress have been very positive and the friends I have made here are amazing and treasured. Thank you Kozo. Love & Peace.

    • Kozo says:

      I hope that I’m not the interaction that has not been beautiful and peaceful, Cheri. haha
      I treasure our connection and can’t wait to see what the future holds. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  3. Sandy says:

    What a beautiful sentiment. I love the space that blogging opens in me. In reaching out and sharing with others, I get to really know and understand more of me. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. Much Love, Sandy

    • Kozo says:

      Great point, Sandy. By reaching out and sharing, we actually look deeper inside and learn to love ourselves. Never thought about this before. You prove my point that BBFs change my world. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  4. A Table in the Sun says:

    So true that we can now choose our community of friends through blogging. I think it’s wonderful. I actually never look at Facebook anymore because it tends towards the false and mundane. Kind of gives the false impression that keeping up with friends’ posts deepens a relationship..when in fact…it reduces your ability to truly communicate. Blogging is a different animal. Quite heartfelt.

    • Kozo says:

      Great point, Teresa. I agree that there is something unique about blogging. Less photos and more words delves deeper into the heart of the matter–pun intended. Plus, comments like this one affect me in a way that a whole day on FB can’t do. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  5. Thank you Kozo for your kind words, I think we are all a work in progress. I have met many friends blogging who light up my world. I hope I will met many more such as yourself in 2013,

    • Kozo says:

      Thank you, Athena. I agree blogging friends have lit up my path and my world. I look forward to a wonderful 2013 with you and my other BBFs. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  6. Well said Kozo. I have been reading about kindness this morning and how to spread it with thought to others. I think your post does it. I understand completely about looking to past actions and not being proud of them, but my friend we both know they are in the past and therefore unchangeable. Today however is a blank slate to do good things and to live well. You definitely do that in your writing.
    I think that the blog world is awesome because you get to learn from like minded or not so like minded individuals, and also gain an understanding of those that are much different from you. I am still relatively new to this, but I am extremely grateful for all of the great people who have touched my life with their great thoughts.
    So thank you my friend, you are seeking light, and will live in the light.

    • Kozo says:

      Thank you, Jonathan, not only for this generous and heartfelt comment, but also for being a BBF. I agree we touch each others’ lives through blogging. I am relatively new as well, and I can’t believe that I have never heard how powerful this form of communication can be. Like you, I am extremely grateful for blogging and my new friends. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  7. Kozo, you just made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :0))) I have been thinking the same thing lately about the people I have met through this platform. For me it is not about my numbers in terms of followers or likes but the “connections”. I feel like some of my blogger friends are people I have known for my whole life! xoxox

    • Kozo says:

      I agree, WTF4 (I love typing that). At first, all I was worried about was how many hits I got and who followed my blog, but over time I realized that the friends who came back and started conversations with me were worth more than any stat spike. I feel so grateful for all my BBFs and your photographs. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  8. Reblogged this on Jonathan Hilton and commented:
    Great Thoughts on a Monday!

  9. Melanie says:

    We are all a work in progress, and I appreciate the support and advice I receive as I strive to achieve a greater sense of self. More than that, though, I learn from the journey others are on as well, and I appreciate being able to watch the progress and offer my own sentiments and experiences as others strive for a greater sense of self.
    I do rely on my own honesty. I continue to tell the truth, warts and all, so I can believe others are also telling the truth. This is important to me, to continue to be honest, because without that, there really is no growth at all.
    May peace continue to be with you.

    • Kozo says:

      Thanks, Melanie. I agree that we help each other on your journeys, and we get help on our own journey by sharing our experiences honestly. I can’t tell you how many times I have hovered over the “publish” button wondering if I should press it because I have revealed things about myself that are not pretty in the post. When I do publish these honest pieces, I am overwhelmed at the support, understanding, and love I receive in the comments.
      Thank you for helping my on my journey. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  10. 1EarthUnited says:

    Hi Kozo my BFF! We’re all work-in-progress, and I wouldn’t change a thing. Don’t you just love the idea of journeying for growth? The process is so precious, we get to experience the highs and lows, and everything in between. How can life be any richer than this? Love to you all dear friends.

    • Kozo says:

      Truth of the matter is, Maddy, that if I didn’t hit lows, I would not be blogging. I am so grateful of the journey that brought me here. I would not trade it for anything. I feel so blessed to have BBBFs (Beautiful Blogging Best Friends) like you. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

      • 1EarthUnited says:

        Kozo my friend, you are a true inspiration and hero to me and we are all honored by your presence, growing alongside us as we journey well – together. I’m dedicating my next post to you: The Hero’s Journey! Be Peace. 😀

  11. kristc99 says:

    I really like this post. I think often internet communication gets to the heart of things with fewer distractions, or maybe it’s because you have the opportunity to interact with so many irregardless of location. I know it certainly has enriched my life over the years! Thanks for this post, and for the pingback 🙂

    • Kozo says:

      I completely agree, Kris. God knows we would have a hard time communicating with you in Panama if it weren’t for the internet.
      i am grateful that I not only get a glimpse of your life as an expat, but also get to see that it is possible and rewarding.
      Thanks for being my Panamanian BBF. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

      • kristc99 says:

        Internet is definitely a requirement. I’ve kept in touch with friends and family by internet for years, so I don’t feel any more separated here than I did in the US.

        As for expat life, yes it is very possible, and it can be a wonderful experience! And, Panama has very good internet, even free WiFi in public places.

        I’m honored to be your Panamanian BFF. Thank you 🙂

  12. I sooooo appriciate you!!!!

  13. This blogoverse is quite a place. It is my window to the world at large and I treasure the connections I have made with some truly wonderful people, you included Kozo. Thanks for sharing of yourself and your honesty. We are all works in the process of creation and recreation. Such is life. 😀

    • Kozo says:

      Strawberryindigo, I love the line we “are all works in the process of creation and recreation.” I love the joy of being in recreation. I’ll have to remember that next time I’m feeling sorry for myself. Interesting enough, I’m right now reading Heartflow2013.wordpress.com’s post on self-love and he is talking about playfulness. Guess someone is trying to tell me to relax and enjoy the ride. Thanks for being a strawberry BBF. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  14. Tracy says:

    Another very lovely post Kozo filled with honesty, respect and devotion. I never imagined I’d make the kinds of connections I have through blogging. I’ve found people all over the world and would not have had the pleasure to know them without this medium. I am so grateful for the experience and the opportunity to learn and grow by becoming part of their community.
    I found a little quote for you, for all of us, and I think it fits here… “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s lives.” (Richard Bach).
    Sending hugs to you 🙂

    • Kozo says:

      Tracy, you are such a guiding light for us. I love Richard Bach and your quotation is perfect. To quote Sister Sledge, “We are family.” {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  15. I am honored to be one of your “BBF’s”, Kozo. I’ll echo that we are all works in progress. 😉 I’m just glad that during our own personal journeys, we happened to cross paths. 🙂
    Some of my greatest relationships started online believe it or not. My better half who is now the father of my child, my best & closest friend with whom I’d be lost without, and now, a lot of my fellow B4Peace’rs, obviously including you. I’m extremely grateful to have met you. My heart has been absolutely bursting with love ever since. & I know MANY of us feel the same. I’ve thanked Rara numerous times for pointing me in your direction. She said my work would fit right in & she couldn’t have been more right. 😀

    • Kozo says:

      Thank you so much, DDiW. Isn’t Rara amazing? That is the wonderful thing about blogging though. In real life we are lucky to find one great best friend, but in the blogosphere we meet someone like Rara who introduces us to someone who shares our same concerns and passions. I feel so blessed to have you and Rara as a BBF, and I had no idea that you guys knew each other. The community we can build here has no limits.
      Thank you for being my panda-friendly BBF {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

      • 🙂 You have a way of making someone smile. Yeah, I’d only known Rara about a month before I met you. Somehow though (perhaps it was fated, I don’t believe in coincidence) she saw some of my photography and liked what I had to say & thought I’d be interested. The rest is history. I saw your blog & read about the start of B4Peace & fell in love.
        Here’s to a great year! January has been so powerful! Can’t wait to see what February will bring…

      • Kozo says:

        I hate to get out of the moment, but I keep thinking about what we will all be like after 6 month of B4peace or even a year. Can’t wait for all the love to ooze all over the internet. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

      • Haha! Ooze! I’m giggling like a 5th grader trying not to laugh in class. YES! May it OOZE EVERYWHERE!

  16. Sharon Bridgforth says:

    Reblogged this on Silk Mantras and commented:

  17. Kozo, you are going through quite a self-reflection lately, it shows in your posts {{{Hugs}}} !
    That is the result of a big spiritual and self-growth work undergoing within you.
    Once a person is capable of publicly and easily expressing his faults, true experiences of relationships with people in the past, without giving himself an extra credit or trying to seem cool and unique, it means the person is getting on a new important level of a personal journey {{{Hugs}}} again! 🙂

    And you are totally right, mentioning the unique effects of being a part of a blogging community.
    I just wrote my thoughts about it today to my friend blogger Rohan, saying that just within these couple of months of blogging I’ve actually met more like-minded people than within the past few years.
    And our connection really went psychic! 🙂 The questions and things i’m thinking about during the day, I’m strikingly bumping into in my blogger buddies’ new posts!
    They seem to be thinking on the same questions and writing their musings about it that to me bare more wisdom and immediate learning benefits than reading another new age self-development book would do!

    That is what i always say in my comments to other bloggers i read and who read me – I do really love you, guys, without ever seeing you, or knowing who you are in your real lives.

    But somehow there is this vibe that connects us and this friendship is valuable.

    Thanks, Kozo! Another post straight into the heart! 🙂

    • Kozo says:

      Yay, a new level! Feels like I’m playing a video game. 🙂
      I do appreciate your wisdom and guidance on this personal journey, Sofia. I can’t tell you how much your “buried alive” post helped me. It was exactly what I needed to hear when I needed to hear it. And I would not have found it at all unless I was tweeting with you about getting your pieces accepted to ezine@rticles. Crazy, huh.
      Thank you for being my “hey, I just met you, and this is crazy” BBF. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  18. diannegray says:

    Blogging has opened up a whole new world to me. As a ‘writing hermit’ it’s introduced me to so many lovely people, ideas and a lot of love and caring. A few weeks back I received emails from bloggers asking if I was okay because of the bush-fires in Australia. I was SO touched because (even though I’ve never met these people in real life) they cared about me and were worried for my safety. What a lovely group this is. It’s changed my life and opened my eyes to the rest of the world. I love B4Peace and am hoping it becomes viral! Love you too, Kozo 😀

    • Kozo says:

      I have to admit that you are one of the bloggers I was thinking about when I wrote this post. I don’t think we would have ever met in “real” life, but I am so grateful that we have stumbled upon each other. I do care about your well-being. I even got a little scared when your dogs got diarrhea in your car. 🙂
      No matter what happens with B4Peace or blogs, I cherish our friendship. But if B4Peace does go viral, don’t forget we came up with the idea together. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

      • diannegray says:

        I laughed when I read “I even got a little scared when your dogs got diarrhea in your car” what a sweetheart you are! 😀

        Thank you so much for thinking of me when you wrote this post – I am truly honored and humbled by that statement…

  19. […] A Split Second to Peace) (everydaygurus.com) […]

  20. KM Huber says:

    As others have said, we’re all a work in progress, and because of whom we have been, we are all here now, a fact that never ceases to amaze me. Yours is a beautiful post, Kozo, and as we all continue to write to one another through the blogosphere, our friendship deepens. Thanks for all you do, Kozo.


    • Kozo says:

      I love the way you put that, Karen. “As we all continue to write to one another.” That is what we are doing. We are pen pals on a party line.
      One day many years in the future, we will talk about how much this pen pal friendship shaped our lives. I look forward to years of “letters” and memories. {{{Hugs}}}Kozo

  21. Sunshine says:

    uh, does it mean, Patriarchy’s uber child, u were like samurai? haha…never mind, just lightening the load…BFF. 🙂
    i agree with sofia…i’m lovin your self reflections lately.
    blogging connections are unique in that we share our creativity with others, enjoy in theirs and live in the love that comes out of it…like having babies or should we say giving birth. the love just flows forth…<3

    • Kozo says:

      Hahaha, Sunshine. I wish I was samurai, but it wouldn’t go to well with Bloggers for Peace.
      I love your analogy to giving birth. It means that we are giving birth to thousands of love children who will strive for peace this year. Hope your guys wombs don’t break. 🙂
      Thank you for being such a bright BBF. {{{Hugs]}} Kozo

  22. Geo Sans says:

    we all strive to create excellence in our world

    you are hitting the mark

    and inspire others to do the same

    • Kozo says:

      Thanks, Geo Sans. I love the poem/comment. I am aspiring to hit the mark, but am never sure when it is hit. All I can do is keep striving. Thank you for reading and commenting.

  23. rarasaur says:

    Awww, love right back to you, Kozo! *hugs* Yay for mutual growth and betterment of the world! 😀

    • Kozo says:

      Yay, I’m so glad you were able to read this before you went AWOL. You probably would have felt the love anyways because I used the Force. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  24. You are a very courageous man Kozo. I love how you are letting us know you one post at a time while giving us food for thoughts during our work day. Brilliant 🙂

  25. Professions for PEACE says:

    Such a loving post Kozo! Thank you for sharing of yourself so honestly. Every one of us who share our real life story role-model for everyone else how attractive being REAL is. I too feel great love for so many I have not met in person, such as yourself, yet I find my thoughts often populated with wonderings of how your day is going and how the little ones are, I think of Cathy, Russ, Mark, Ivon, and Meggie and so many others, wondering if this person is getting over their cold, or if that person made it to the parade… etc. These are friendships we carry in our hearts even when the computer is turned off. As a rather sensitive one myself, sometimes I struggle for days over a challenging comment (as recently happened) until I calm and return to my inner truth and the peace of my being and find the words to form a reply. So yes, this blogging world is very real and substantial, both in the valued and loving connections that offer strength and inspiration, and in the occasional connections that challenge our inner peace and help us remember the Truth of our being: Love. It always comes back to love. Thank you Kozo for being an important light amidst our loving group of peaceful warriors. Loving {Hugs} Gina

    • Kozo says:

      I love our connection. One of the reasons I am opening myself up to my BBFs has to do with Brene Brown’s TedTalk on vulnerability. I read the comment on your blog, and I can’t help but think about sexism. Brown (a woman) is superficial, while Schnarch, Lewis, Aristotle, and Emerson (all men) have real depth and teeth. You did a great job of responding lovingly.
      On one of the blogs I read recently we were talking about challenging people actually helping us down the path towards peace. It reminds me of how the Dalai Lama is grateful for the Chinese since they make him realize a higher form of compassion. Your response was Dalai Lama-esque.:)
      Like I wrote on your blog, I am so grateful to have you as my BFF and BSM. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

      • Professions for PEACE says:

        Your compliment about my response means so much. I had to step away for a couple of days as I continued my meditation practices and loving tasks. This morning the reply came out easily and calmly. I remained centered in light and love. Thank you from the depths of my heart. You matter in my world! 🙂

  26. Silverback says:

    Dearest Kozo.
    As you know, I am not a ‘blogger,’ but I am a follower of some very special and inspirational people. I was introduced to these special people simply as a result of following my daughter’s blog and by ‘looking up’ those who were kind enough to pass comment.
    You say that you don’t know much about your blogging friends but, from what I have read, you have an insight that few posses.
    I don’t know how you voted in November, and being from the UK, I didn’t get a vote, but for what it’s worth, I’m an Obama supporter. As for the Olympics, as you would expect, I supported the UK athletes first but was happy to see any athlete who had put so much into their efforts win at their particular event. Having said that, and in spite of the ‘Boston Tea Party’ – ‘King George III’ (what a fool he was!) and the ‘American War of Independence,’ I have a great affection for our American Cousins (of whatever ethnic background).
    You also comment that ‘although your life’s work centers around peace, you have not always been a peaceful person in thoughts, words, or actions’. This ‘in truth’ can be said of many of us.
    I have been a ‘carer’ both professionally and personally for forty years. My aim in life has always been to bring what help, support and compassion I can to all those with whom I come into contact. This was not always the case! I remember well being an extremely angry man for some considerable time after the death of my wife. This was not normal for me, and it wasn’t how I was brought up, but I couldn’t help myself. Life’s ups and downs do strange things to the best of us.
    The ‘Blogging Community’ has brought me into contact with some of the Worlds nicest and kindest people. People who are not afraid to open their heart and soul to others, but who also give support and comfort to people they have never met when it is needed.
    Hopefully, we all aspire to be better than we already are. If, like you, we are able to inspire that change in others, the World will become a better place for all of us, and for our children and grandchildren to inherit.
    It is my privilege to have met you via the Blogging Community. I hope to follow you and support you in your efforts for peace for many years to come. Perhaps, given time, I shall even come to know more of the wondeful person who is Kozo that I met here.
    Blessings, Good Health and Much Happiness to you and all your family Kozo. May all the very best things in life be bestowed upon you and yours.

    • Kozo says:

      Dear Chris,
      Your comment brought tears to my eyes. Thank you, thank you, thank you. To tell the truth, I was thinking about Tracy when I wrote this post, but I forgot about you. 😦 But that is because I was thinking about bloggers, not fathers of BBFs.
      I have no doubt that we would have a lot in common if we sat down for a talk one day. I admire your lovingkindness that looks past nationalism and race. I gain strength from your honesty and self-introspection. And, of course, I strive to be as wonderful a father to my sons as you are to Tracy.
      I will,however, give you an example of how I don’t know some of my BBFs. I have gotten to know Tracy pretty intimately lately. I have learned not just about her medical journey, but also her amazing spirit, heart, courage, and strength. I know she has mentioned that the treatments are expensive, but I have no idea how she will pay for these treatments, especially since she had to take a break from work due to her condition. I wanted Tracy to set up a Paypal account, so her BBFs can donate. We might not be able to give much, but at least we can let her know how much we care and are willing to support her. I talked to Tracy about this, and she graciously declined. I have friends in need, who refuse help because they don’t want to be a burden on others. I don’t know if this is why Tracy declined. I wish I lived next door to her, because then I would know more about what she needs. I know very little about her although I know her very well. Does that make sense?
      I really appreciate you being a non-Blogging Best Friend, Chris. It means so much to me that you not only read my posts, but also devote the time to comment. I look forward to years of friendship and even meeting face-to-face when one of my sons get invited to Wimbledon or the British Open. haha
      {{{Hugs}}} to you and all your loved ones, Your dear friend, Kozo

    • Silverback says:

      Thank you dear Kozo. Tracy, like me, is really a very private person. Only since she has started blogging have even I found out things I never knew! Children rarely tell their parents everything, usually so as not to bring more worry to them. Tracy is also incredably independant (a trait she learned from her mother I’m afraid, not from me).
      Fortunately, Tracy’s main treatment has been funded through the NHS, but as she has paid contributions towards it for nearly thirty years, she is receiving what she has paid for. As far as I’m aware (she doesn’t tell me), she has had to fund some of the ancillary essentials that are required due to the teatment. She has an excellent team of people who work for her and they have been more than generous with their support. My dear daughter was brought up to look after those who work with/for her and this has paid dividends. I look forward to seeing your sons at Wimbledon. I will be quite old by the time they are old enough, but provided I have the strength, (and the breath), I will endeavour to shout my support. I look forward to it 🙂
      Blessings on you Kozo, you are one in many million!

      • Kozo says:

        I should have known that Tracy had already built up so much good karma that her bills were taken care of. Make sure she knows that if anything unexpected pops up, we are here to help.
        Can’t wait to share some strawberries and cream with you on center court. 🙂
        {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  27. Sarah says:

    Hugs to you, my friend! 🙂

  28. Thank you, Kozo! This was so beautiful! My favorite ~ “I know what is in our souls trying to get out, even if our consciousness is not in accord with that spirit.” xoxo

    • Kozo says:

      That was my favorite line as well, SWT. Thank you for picking up on that. Something about blogging makes us want to be more than we are. Makes us strive for godliness. I’m still a rookie blogger, but I am so excited what my life will be like after years of this therapy/sadhana/community. Thank you for being my traveling BBF. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  29. Thank you kozo, this is a lovely post.

  30. Dawna says:

    I am late in arriving, Kozo, but have to say that your post put a smile on my face. I believe we are – every one of us – works in progress. I know I am! But, you’re right… Who I am… the person that I am here in the blogosphere is who I want to be. Yes, I, too, allow ego to run rampant in my everyday life more times than I care to be the case. Even here… I slip. We are ALL human. BUT, we are making the effort to be who we dream we can be, and, eventually, there comes a point when the better part bleeds into the other.

    BIG HUGS to you! I am SO glad that our paths have crossed, and, now that they have… I am more than happy to share the journey with you toward our True and Authentic Selves. ❤

    • Kozo says:

      You hit the nail right on the head, Dawna. A journey “towards our True and Authentic Selves.” That is what blogging is for us. And yes, it does “bleed” inot our real lives and make us better people with less ego.
      I am so blessed to have you as my egoless-striving BBF, Dawna. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  31. I find myself closer to my Blogging Friends than my real life friends. Maybe it’s the anonymity. Maybe it’s the fact blogging takes more effort, more time and more investment. Its far more than a text message or a facebook like.

    • Kozo says:

      I completely agree, Tasha. I have almost lost touch with my real life friends because I find my blogger friends so much more enjoyable. Blogging does take more effort, time and investment, but I willingly put in this time because I really love my BBFs.
      Thank you for being my uber-cool BBF, Tasha.{{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  32. electronicbaglady says:

    What a lovely thought and post, Kozo! If we do not learn and change and grow we are not truly alive, so here’s to it! I’m new to the whole reaching out thing, even though I have been online since before Tim Berners-Lee. The thing I have learned most recently is that I can be open to new friends here too and I’m having so much fun getting to know them. Peace and hugs 🙂

  33. theINFP says:

    It is too easy to caught up in one’s existence and shut out the World. Time is one of my challenges. I no longer read the newspaper every morning, instead I read blog posts. I look forward to catching up with what you have been up to. I feel privileged to be your friend. Thank you. Robert

    • Kozo says:

      I am honored to have you as a friend as well, Robert. I’m just like you. I have no newspaper nor cable tv. All my news comes from bloggers. I might not know everything that is going on in the world, but I get a strong dose of positive vibrations everyday. Thank you for being a live-minded male BBF. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo

  34. Adam S says:

    You’re a good guy. Fist bump it. Boosh.

  35. Just found your blog. You’re a breath of fresh air 🙂

  36. […] He was the one to begin organizing the Bloggers for Peace, and one of his most recent posts – A Letter to My BBFs (Blogging Best Friends) – reminded me that – while there are times when I feel quite a bit like a charlatan […]

  37. Read you over on rarasaur, and now here I am 🙂

    • Kozo says:

      Thanks for the visit and comment. I’m going to have to start visiting your blog more often for the photography tips.
      See you at Rarasaurs.

  38. […] I felt uncomfortable typing “I love you” in comments, tweets, or posts to my BBFs (Blogging Best Friends), but I truly felt a connection that I could only describe as love. The “positivity […]

  39. […] you for my wife finally having a day off; all my BBFs (Blogging Best Friends); a wonderful weekend full of activities; Martin Luther King’s wisdom and guidance; computer […]

  40. I just added, Blogging for Peace, symbol, and link to your site, on my blog (on my Award page). Thank you for all your good work.

  41. […] He was the one to begin organizing the Bloggers for Peace, and one of his most recent posts – A Letter to My BBFs (Blogging Best Friends) – reminded me that – while there are times when I feel quite a bit like a charlatan […]

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